# of watchers: 9
Fans: 0
| D20: 16 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: *laughs* what do you want?
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: comes back and falls in the sand
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: mukko meows jumps up and climbs up her leg "i think that means put me on your shoulder i never understood mukko"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: oooookay
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: sleeps
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: mukko climbs to her shoulder and purrs
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: hi how are you? *laughs*
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: mukko licks her cheek "awww he likes you claudia"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: i can tell
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: laughs"..."muk
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: hey *straches her ear*
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: mukko meows
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: "you are a strange kitty"
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "yea thats why i got him he was different from other cats"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: laughs
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: mukko sniffs her cheek then rubs it with his head "aww he givin u head lovins...he never did that before either hes acting real strage lately
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: ummm.....
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: picks murka up and puts her in her head and laughs :they all like aying in someones head but mukko is a shoulder person"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: i see
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: murka stands up on ketas head and jumps off and keta catches her
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: laughs
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "geez murka try to give me a heartattack"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: lauhs "dont cats land on their feet?"
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "not thes catse they are klutzy"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: really?
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: yes
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: laughs
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "my cats are klutzy who cares?"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: your cats
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "yea what about my cats"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: they care
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "well yea but who cares they are klutzy im klutzy as well"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: laughs
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "havent you heard of the time i walked into the door without even trying to open it?"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: laughs "no...but thats just funny"
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: laughs "i know and everyone cried laughing even me it was so funny to see"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: laughs
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "then i realized why i was lauging and started to laugh nervously it was hilarious it was when i was young sora and skid were there"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: laughs...i see
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: gets up slowly
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "yea good times good times"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: sounds like it
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "i wonder if sora remembers that"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: ask hhim
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: coughs
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "sora do you remember that?"
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: looks sad"yeah.....
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "whats the matter?"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: "thats what i want to know"
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: "im sorry....."
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "i dont like it when my friends are sad"
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: "i dont like to tell my friends i know who killed there did"looks down
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "you know?"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: *jaw drops* "acward moment...im gonna walk this way" *points to a rock and sits on it*
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: looks down "yes..."
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "please tell me he cause he has the last statue"
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: "not where he is...."sora looks down at the sand
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "tell me who he is and i can track him down take the last statue and destroy them"
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: sora throws something at her gently "thats the statue.....the writings are isbalian....th
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "jamias? never heard of him thanx for telling me" puts the statue with the rest of them
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: ".....he was on this island...."sor
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: [hey ppl i g2g to bed got school tomarrow]
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: [so do i ttyl!]
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "he was?" looks at the box and starts digging through it and since the box is so big she falls in it stil looking through it
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: *looks compeatly lost*
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "ouch that hurt"
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: neals down on one knee "he died..."looks at his hand "he deserved it.....
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: comes out from the box "he died?...o well" gets back in the box and still looks through the statues for a specific one
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: looks on the ground and mutters i did it....."...."
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: comes up "u did it?"
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: looks at her "yes....."
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: climbs out "how?"
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: sighs "well......i stabbed him...a slow and painful death....."
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "oo ok" hands him a statue "u might not want it but keep it anyways"
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: looks at her "why?"
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "because i beleive i can trust you with it and i have lots more"
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: takes it "ok...."
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "i trust you wont try to take over someones body with it"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: *sighs*
2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: "i wont....."
2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "claudia you want one? i beleive i can trust you as well"
2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: "huh?"
2006-02-10 [the unseen artist]: Spike sat on his couch looking at the cieling.
2006-02-11 [ILY;;]: Kiddy curls up on her bed smiling away to her self
2006-02-13 [the unseen artist]: spike stood up and pulled out his wallet.
2006-02-13 [ILY;;]: Kitty was walking the street meowing
2006-02-13 [Chellie Bear]: keta looks at murka and smiles and opens the door so she can go out
2006-02-15 [the unseen artist]: Spike put his wallet up and walked out.
2006-02-15 [Music of the Night]: Isha walked solemly down the street her hands in her pockets and her eyes fixed to the ground.
2006-02-16 [the unseen artist]: spike steped outside and looked around.
2006-02-16 [Music of the Night]: Isha looked up and saw a few people walking around. She sighed and continued walking.
2006-02-17 [the unseen artist]: Spiked triped down his steps.
2006-02-18 [Music of the Night]: Isha looked up at him when he tripped. She waited to see if he needed any help.
2006-02-18 [Sonya Blue]: *walked down a path until she came to a tree...and sat aginst it*
2006-02-18 [ILY;;]: Kiddy seen him do that and ran to him "You ok Spoike hun...." she walked up the steps and huged him tight
2006-02-20 [the unseen artist]: "yeah i am fine kiddy" spike huged kiddy back
2006-02-20 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled "Good.."
2006-02-20 [the unseen artist]: spike smiled back and kissed kiddy's cheek.
2006-02-20 [ILY;;]: Kiddy moved her head so she kissed him on the lips
2006-02-20 [the unseen artist]: Spike kissed kiddy back and wraped his arms around her.
2006-02-20 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled against his lips kissing him
2006-02-20 [Sky Chord]: watches
2006-02-20 [the unseen artist]: spike held her kissing her deeply
2006-02-20 [Sky Chord]: disappears
2006-02-20 [ILY;;]: Kiddy kissed him back
2006-02-22 [the unseen artist]: spike helped kiddy stand back up.
2006-02-22 [Music of the Night]: [hey, um, just a suggestion, but I think that you should make other areas for people to rp on this wiki besides just the main page. That way more than just two people can rp and they won't have to worry about getting interupted, ya know what I'm saying? Anyone agree with me?]
2006-02-22 [Music of the Night]: [and if you need help, I'd be more than glad to offer my services]
2006-02-23 [ILY;;]: -what do you mean? i dont get it?] Kiddy stared at him smiling
2006-02-24 [Music of the Night]: *sighs* I'll try my best to explain... i have an rping wiki called [The Divide, if you go there you can see that there are links to other wiki pages. Those pages are like different locations for people to rp at so that they have more than just that one page to rp at. This way a bunch of people can rp at different times and still be at the same wiki page. If your still confused just go to The Divide and take a look.]
2006-02-24 [ILY;;]: oh yeah i get it but alot of them like get confused over it
2006-02-24 [Music of the Night]: ((I haven't seen anyone get confused over it yet, and I've heard that a bunch of people like it better, but hey, thats just what I've heard, doesn't matter))
2006-02-24 [ILY;;]: ((oh oki...^_^ thankss neway ))
2006-04-05 [ILY;;]: Kiddy was sat alone thinking of Spike and Leggo she hadent seen him for ages she stood up and began calling his name.
2006-04-05 [the unseen artist]: Spike walked up to her holding a cat.
2006-04-05 [Chellie Bear]: keta sat down holding talim
2006-04-06 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked up at him.
2006-04-07 [the unseen artist]: "hey kiddy." Spike sat next to her.
2006-04-07 [Sky Chord]: sora was in a tree
2006-04-07 [Chellie Bear]: keta let talim run around
2006-04-07 [Sky Chord]: stares at them
2006-04-07 [Chellie Bear]: talim ran up to sora and sniffed him
2006-04-07 [Sky Chord]: sora almost fell over
2006-04-07 [Chellie Bear]: murka and mukko also ran up to him
2006-04-08 [Sky Chord]: he fell over
2006-04-09 [Chellie Bear]: keta helped him up "sorry bout that"
2006-04-09 [Sky Chord]: smiles and gets up "its ok"
2006-04-09 [Chellie Bear]: "my cats like to sniff people they dont know"
2006-04-09 [Sky Chord]: "oh....gotcha.
2006-04-09 [Chellie Bear]: "well im going to go inside" walks to her cabin and looked at her cats "talim murka mukko come on" the three went inside and keta shut the door behind her
2006-04-09 [Sky Chord]: nods and walks off
2006-04-09 [Chellie Bear]: mukko went to his bed and keta took him out of his bed "youre lazy enough i dont need you sleeping all day"
2006-04-09 [Sky Chord]: he kept walking until he got to a tree
2006-04-09 [Chellie Bear]: keta took a step and slipped on something and fell to the floor then sat up "oww what was that?"
2006-04-09 [Sky Chord]: a blue light was shining
2006-04-09 [Chellie Bear]: murka see the blue light and climbed out the window
2006-04-09 [Sky Chord]: sora yelled
2006-04-09 [Chellie Bear]: murka looked at him and ran in the forest and keta looked around then at talim "talim did you see where murka went?" talim meowed "i didnt think so" turns to mukko "did you see where she went?" he shook his head "uh oh"
2006-04-09 [Sky Chord]: sora was gone
2006-04-09 [Chellie Bear]: she ran out the back door then looked at her two cats "im going to find murka if you see her tell her to get inside and stay you guys stay here" she runs off
2006-04-09 [Sky Chord]: sora was still gone
2006-04-09 [Chellie Bear]: runs into something and falls over and looks what she ran into but nothing was there "o...k" she stood up and ran off again then caught sight of murka floating
2006-04-09 [Sky Chord]: a boy who looked like sora appeared
2006-04-09 [Chellie Bear]: she looked at the boy then grabbed her floating cat and looked at murka "how were you floating murka
2006-04-09 [Sky Chord]: the boy stepped back "....." he look like he was gonna run away
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: she hugged her cat then looked at him again then walked home and looked at her two other cats "i found her but...who was the boy he looked like sora"
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: he ran
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: she sighed "where did sora go anyway?" her cats didnt reply
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: he stopped not to far from her
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: she looked at him still holding murka
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: he looked at her and stepped back
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: walks inside her cabin and closed the door "who is that?"
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: he ran to a lake and looked at himself
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: she holds her head and drops murka
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: he stared
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: she fell over and screamed still holding her head
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: he looked around
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: continued scraming and holding her head and her cats ran out to look for help
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: he looked around thinking ~....where is that coming from?~
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: the cats ran up to him and told him to follow them
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: follows
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: keta stays on the floor screaming and they show him through the window
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: sighs and jumps into the open window and helps her
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: she continued holding her head but stopped screaming
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: "are you ok?"
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: "i dont know where did those threatening voices come from they sounded like...like...
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: looks at her "like?"
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: "like...him"
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: "whos him?"
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: "the guy who killed my dad"
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: "that person died....i told you that already.......
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: "i know thats the 5th time he died hes like invincible or something"
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: he nodded "...." ~aleast she doesnt notice what i look like now~
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: "he keeps coming back and i hear his voice in my head when he returns i swear i wishe he could go away forever"
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: his blade appeared as he muttered "this will..."
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: murka climbed up her leg to her soulder
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: his blade disappeared "....."
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: sighs and pets murka
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: ".....just checking"
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: "ok"
2006-04-10 [Sky Chord]: he sighed
2006-04-10 [Chellie Bear]: she put murka down
2006-04-10 [ILY;;]: [ffs i made this wiki come back but not so i had to find miles of pages befor i see my last comment NOW WILL YOU STOP IT!] Kiddy was sat with her cat on her knee and smiling away Stone and morph sat at her side.
2006-04-10 [the unseen artist]: Spike smiled at kiddy.
2006-04-11 [ILY;;]: Kiddy loked at Spike smiling to she got up and huged him tight.
2006-04-13 [the unseen artist]: Spike huged her back and kissed her cheek
2006-04-13 [Sky Chord]: looks at them and yawns
2006-04-15 [ILY;;]: Kiddy giggled "were have you been?"
2006-04-15 [Chellie Bear]: keta sat down
2006-04-16 [the unseen artist]: "visting my famlies' graves"
2006-04-17 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled "you ok then?" she took his hands.
2006-04-19 [the unseen artist]: "yeah." spike looked at kiddy with a kitten on his head.
2006-04-19 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked up and seen the kitten "AW!"
2006-04-21 [the unseen artist]: "awww, what?"
2006-04-21 [Chellie Bear]: she looked at them "theres a kitten on your head thats the 'awww'"
2006-04-25 [the unseen artist]: "Oh yeah. i found her in the cemetary.
2006-04-25 [Chellie Bear]: shhe held murka and sighed
2006-04-26 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled and hugged Spike again looking at the kitten.
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